My 7th grade year, I did not make the softball team. I had very little confidence playing so I discussed it with my parents. They offered up the idea of taking hitting lessons. I heard things being said about me by my peers, that made me determined to get better. This is where the DiamondZone swings in! I began taking hitting lessons with Brett around May of that same year. With a lot of practicing on my own, lessons, and determination, I saw improvement. It had not been my original intention to try out for the DiamondZone softball team; I was only going to the tryouts for extra practice. One of the coaches had seen potential in me and chose me for the roster. I was beyond shocked and excited that I had made the team.
My fall season was not what I was hoping for with my playing time, but Brett encouraged me to continue practicing and more playing time will come eventually. I continued with my hitting lessons and started taking catching lessons with Brett. I would always be willing to catch for any pitcher and would come to DZ just to hit with friends. Fast forward to today. I am now playing more than I have ever imagined. I am happier and more confident with my playing abilities, and also look forward to continuing growing as a player every day.
Brett has helped me a lot with both offense and defense. He has given me so much confidence and a product that I truly feel happy with. Choosing DZ has given me so many opportunities to grow not only as a softball player, but as a person. When I first met Brett, he looked at my swing and was not sure what he could really do with it. However, he saw my enthusiasm to learn, and was eager to help me out. The energy that Brett brings to the company and with his teams is so refreshing. He does not hold back and tells you how it is, which goes to show that he cares for your progress. DiamondZone has become my second home and I can thank Brett and all the other coaches for their constant support!