Justin G.

In Their Own Words: Justin G.

"DiamondZone was my first ever AAU baseball team and now I can’t picture myself in any other uniform."

DiamondZone was my first ever AAU baseball team and now I can’t picture myself in any other uniform. I’ve been with DZ for close to 4 years now and it all started in my last year of Little League. I was looking for better competition and many of my friends had played for DZ the past fall and introduced me to it. Later that year, I played my first game for DZ.

Being at DZ has been a pleasure for me. With all of the provided resources and learning opportunities, I have learned a lot about the game of baseball during my time with DiamondZone. I improved as a player tremendously and strive to get even better every day. The coaches facilitating the practices and ensuring we become the best players we can be provides a competitive environment where players can thrive.

My favorite part of DZ is the social aspect. All of the players and coaches you see are very welcoming and each practice and game is something to look forward to for me. This past season I met many new people and played with many kids I have never played with before, and they allowed me to fit right in. I have created many friendships at DZ, which I am thankful for.

Finally I would like to thank my teammates and Coach Danny Cahill. He helped me improve my confidence a ton this season, as he always believed in my teammates and I. He taught me not to dwell over mistakes you had made, and to make up for it in your next opportunity that comes up.

Overall, DiamondZone has provided me with some of the most memorable experiences I will never forget while allowing me to play my favorite sport, baseball.

Justin Gouin

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